Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Review of The Event of Literature

9780300178814Terry Eagleton is a literary theorist and critic, public intellectual, Marxist, and author of numerous books, including a memoir The Gatekeeper (2002) and the extremely widely read Literary Theory: An Introduction (1983). He studied under Raymond Williams at Cambridge, and has held positions at various universities, lately being Distinguished Professor of English Literature at the University of Lancaster.

He also has a sense of humor, which reveals itself at surprising moments throughout this latest book. If you are unfamiliar with his work I would recommend reading Literary Theory first, and perhaps others, to familiarize yourself with his ideas and style of thinking and writing. This latest book seems to be aimed at those with a special interest in literature and literary theory, rather than the general reader. Or, as the author notes in his preface, those interested in thephilosophy of literature.

Review continued at Metapsychology Online Reviews.

Monday, 21 January 2013


There was no response when she banged the tin. For five minutes she hit it with a spoon, as she always did, but no Spooky. She shrugged, thinking she'd wait five minutes and try again. It was a bright blue day, and quiet. She listened for the usual sounds of the noisy mineNoisyMinerrs, aptly named, and the currawongs. The air seemed awfully still. She lived far from any main roads, so no traffic noises, which she loved. But this morning there were no other noises either.